Custom Live MLS Search
You may ignore Zillow, Trulia,, and all the other real estate sites.
No worries.
Our customized Live MLS Search will match every home for sale in the Austin Central Texas Real Estate Information System to your search criteria and email you a link to every new listing, back on the market, price change home that fits your customized search.
This happens in real time. Like a microsecond after the listing agent clicks save!
It uses the most reliable information available. No more great-looking homes that are a bedroom shy of your minimum. Or in a different school district.
Only homes that match the criteria you choose - with no delays.
You can check other sites of course. But if you can't find the same home in your search, it almost always means it is not a match. Or no longer for sale.
When you see one you'd like to see in person, just send us the ML# (seven digits long) by email or text. We will contact you with some open appointment times.
No worries.
Our customized Live MLS Search will match every home for sale in the Austin Central Texas Real Estate Information System to your search criteria and email you a link to every new listing, back on the market, price change home that fits your customized search.
This happens in real time. Like a microsecond after the listing agent clicks save!
It uses the most reliable information available. No more great-looking homes that are a bedroom shy of your minimum. Or in a different school district.
Only homes that match the criteria you choose - with no delays.
You can check other sites of course. But if you can't find the same home in your search, it almost always means it is not a match. Or no longer for sale.
When you see one you'd like to see in person, just send us the ML# (seven digits long) by email or text. We will contact you with some open appointment times.