Once both sides have signed the lender will check signatures before issuing funding approval. The wire of funds from the lender might be released at that time. Or the wire might be at the title company before we close.
When everything is signed, lender has approved funding, and all funds are in possession of the title company, they will press "send"!
This is when the transaction is considered "funded" and ownership changes. The new owner gets keys and the right to occupy (unless there is a lease-back).
The word Funded is the call for full-blown celebration!
When everything is signed, lender has approved funding, and all funds are in possession of the title company, they will press "send"!
This is when the transaction is considered "funded" and ownership changes. The new owner gets keys and the right to occupy (unless there is a lease-back).
The word Funded is the call for full-blown celebration!